TSWRD&PGCW, Mahendrahills is a specialized college
for Life Sciences affiliated to Osmania University. The medium of instruction
is English. Semester-wise evaluation is conducted as per instructions from
Osmania University. Students in final semester have to perform and submit
project dissertation for assessment and evaluation.
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is followed with Chemistry
as a compulsory subject. Students can choose one core subject from
option D and the remaining two core subjects from options A, B and C.
Students can also choose all three core subjects from Options A, B and C.
The college offers the following 7 courses for
Bachelor in Science (B.Sc.) with a maximum intake of 40/course.
Second languages offered include – Telugu,
Hindi, French and Urdu.
The college offers
2 postgraduate courses with a maximum intake of 30/course.